Armtec Team - 09. Mai. 2024
Dein Lohn – Rekrutenschule (RS) 2024

Zentrum digitale Medien der Armee (DMA)
Der Blog in Kürze
Wer in der Schweiz einen militärischen Dienst leistet, hat Anrecht auf verschiedene Arten von Vergütungen.
1. Erwerbsersatz (EO)
2. Sold
3. Soldzulage (sofern zutreffend)
4. Krankenkasse
Erwerbsersatz (EO)
Die Höhe der Erwerbsersatz Entschädigung ist abhängig von 2 wesentlichen Faktoren. Es wird dabei zwischen folgenden persönlichen Situationen unterschieden:
1. Erwerbstätig / Nicht erwerbstätig
2. Armeeangehöriger hat Kind(er)/ kein(e) Kind(er)
Im Allgemeinen kann man festhalten, dass jede Person, welche Militärdienst leistet, mindestens 69 CHF pro Tag erhält, unabhängig von militärischem Rang und Erwerbstätigkeit.Folgende Tabelle soll einen Überblick über die Minimum- & Maximum-Entschädigung geben:
Entschädigung pro Tag | ohne Kinder | Table header 2 | mit Kindern* |
min. | max. | max. | |
Members of the army at recruit school | 69 CHF | 69 CHF | 275 CHF |
Members of the armed forces in the WK | 69 CHF | 220 CHF | 275 CHF |
Members of the armed forces in grade change service | 124 CHF | 220 CHF | 275 CHF |
Service officer during basic training | 69 CHF | 69 CHF | 275 CHF |
Service officer after basic training | 69 CHF | 220 CHF | 275 CHF |
Cadre of conscripts during basic training | 69 CHF | 69 CHF | 275 CHF |
Serving cadre during grade change service | 102 CHF | 220 CHF | 275 CHF |
Cadre of conscripts after grade change service | 102 CHF | 220 CHF | 275 CHF |
* The child allowance is CHF 22 for each child.
Some practical examples (rank, employment, children):
1st recruit, gainfully employed, no children
During recruit school, all recruits without children receive CHF 69 / day, regardless of whether they were gainfully employed or not.
2ndrecruit, gainfully employed, children
An exception applies as soon as the military member has children. In this case, 80% of the average pre-service income is compensated. In addition to this basic compensation, a child allowance of CHF 22 per child is paid. In total, however, a maximum of CHF 275 per day is paid.
3rdrecruit, not gainfully employed, children
If you are in the military, have children and were not gainfully employed before your service, you will be paid a minimum of CHF 110 and a maximum of CHF 138.
You are also entitled to pay and income replacement for general leave and longer general leave, as well as for travel days for personal leave. However, only general leave (up to a maximum of 3 days) and travel days for personal leave are counted as days of service.

Zentrum digitale Medien der Armee (DMA)
Pay is based solely on the military rank. Anyone who is promoted is entitled to the higher pay from the effective date of the promotion. Members of the armed forces receive this pay (in CHF per day). This is a list of the most important pay compensation depending on rank:
Note: The pay does not have to be taxed as income.
Degree | Abbreviation | Pay |
Recruit | Recruit | 6 CHF |
Soldier | Sdt | 7.50 CHF |
Constable | Wm | 11.50 CHF |
Sergeant | Fw | 13 CHF |
Fourier | Four | 14 CHF |
Lieutenant | Lt | 17.50 CHF |
Captain | Hptm | 23.50 CHF |
Major | Maj | 26 CHF |
Pay supplement
If a soldier is undergoing further military training to become a non-commissioned officer or lieutenant, he or she will receive a standard rate of CHF 23 per day. Basic training as a senior non-commissioned officer or subaltern officer to become a unit commander or command assistant at troop level is compensated at a standard rate of CHF 80 per day. From the rank of captain upwards, no further pay supplement is paid.
Health insurance
Members of the Swiss Armed Forces are covered by military insurance against accidents and illness during military service for periods longer than 60 days.
Private insurance under the compulsory health insurance scheme does not apply during military service. However, this is subject to the condition that the military service must be reported to the relevant insurance company 8 weeks before the start of the service . After enlistment and after any change in the duration of service, a corresponding notification must be made to the health insurance company.
Erwerbsersatz (EO)
Not gainfully employed
If the military member is not gainfully employed, the allowance is transferred directly to the military member's bank account.
Gainfully employed
If the military member is gainfully employed, the allowance is transferred to the employer, provided the salary payment does not exceed the allowance.
However, the allowance for care costs is always paid directly.
Pay is normally paid out in cash every 2-3 weeks.
Pay allowance
Pay is normally paid out in cash every 2-3 weeks.
Health insurance
After service, underpaid premiums must be paid in arrears. Premiums paid in excess will be offset against premiums due at a later date or refunded.

Zentrum digitale Medien der Armee (DMA)